Scheduling Information

Course Selection

We expect students, after discussion with their parents, teachers, and counselors, to choose their courses with care. It is important that students select courses that will help them achieve their future educational and/or career goals. Alternate courses must also be selected and should be ones that the students want to take if their first choices are unavailable. Occasionally, a course listed in the program of studies will not be offered due to low student enrollment, sections are full due to class size requirements, or course is unavailable due to a conflict with another course.

Course Prerequisites

Entry-level courses, in most cases, have no prerequisites and are open to all students within the specific grade levels. However, as students progress to upper-level classes, basic skills must have been mastered in order for students to be successful. At Forest High School, we want all students to be successful at the highest academic level possible. Through working with students, we have found that students who meet the prerequisites designated in the Program of Studies are most successful. If a student wishes to enroll in a course and has not met the prerequisites, the parent should arrange a conference with the student’s guidance counselor. Marion County School Board Policies

~An Equal Opportunity School District~

Students in Marion County are entitled to certain rights, standards and protections including those of due process, equal opportunity protection, accurate and confidential record keeping, safeguards to health and safety, and access to suitable employment. The School Board is committed to affording students the benefits of these rights, standards and protections.

Students who feel that they have questions concerning this matter have the right and the responsibility of discussing such questions with the school’s administration.

The Marion County Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status or qualified disability in its employment practices and in its access and admission to educational programs, services and activities.

This notice is provided as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Florida Educational Equity Act of 1985, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX Amendments of 1972 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Questions or request for additional information regarding the above mentioned acts may be forwarded to the designated compliance administrator.

Dawana Gary, Equity Assurance Director, ADA, Title IX and Equity Issues
Phone: (352) 671-7574

Lorilynn Bowie, District 504 Specialist, Section 504 Inquiries
Phone: (352) 671-1437

PO Box 670, Ocala, Florida 34478-0670

Incoming Freshman (Class of 2027) Scheduling Information

This information is for all incoming freshman (class of 2025) students and their scheduling for their first year of high school. See below the PowerPoint with specific directions on how to fill out the form, a copy of our curriculum guide for you to review the course descriptions, and the course request form that has to be filled out and turned in.

Freshman Scheduling PowerPoint

2023-2024 Curriculum Guide

Course Request Form

AVID Application

All other course requests

Please choose the correct course request for your class:

Class of 2024 (Senior) course request

Class of 2025 (Junior) course request

Class of 2026 (Sophomore) course request