Calculating Student Grades

Marion County Public Schools
Secondary School Grading Guidelines

  1. The purpose of grading is to inform parents and students of the student's performance in relation to the state standards for the course.
  2. Teachers should provide students and parents with a course syllabus with an explanation of grading procedures. (Generally these are handed out on the first day of class. Many teachers have theirs posted on their teacher Web pages.)
  3. Teachers in Core Courses must use grading categories in accordance with the parameters below:

Weighted Percentages

Category Weight Percentage
Homework <=10%
Class/Daily Assignments, Quizzes, & FCAs 30-50%
Tests, Projects, & Presentations 40-60%

Calculation Examples

Example of how to calculate a student's grade with category weighting:

Class categories:

  • Homework: 10%
  • Classwork: 25%
  • Quizzes: 25%
  • Tests & Projects: 40%

Step 1: Sort grades by category.

Step 2: Get the average of the scores in EACH category. (Let's say the category averages are Homework=90%, Classwork=85%, Quizzes=85%, Tests & Projects=80%.)

Step 3: Convert each category percent to a decimal (such as 10%=.10, 25%=.25, etc.)

Step 4: Multiply the category averages by the category weight decimal.

  • Homework= 90 * .10 = 9
  • Classwork = 85 * .25 = 21.25
  • Quizzes = 85 * .25 = 21.25
  • Tests & Projects = 80 * .40 = 32

Step 5:Add those values together for the grade in the class.

  • 9 + 21.25 + 21.25 + 32 = 83.5