FHS Book Club

Club:FHS Book Club

Sponsor:Ms.Jennifer Pohlers


  • Promote reading at FHS and the community.
  • Provide a positive forum in which students can be creative in their prospective areas of interest.
  • Promote community among club members.

Requirements: Members must have a 2.0 GPA and turn in required paperwork/dues.

Grade Levels:All Grades (9-12)


Major Activities:

  • Volunteering at our library.
  • Help foster the love of books and reading with young students.
  • Help at events that celebrate books. This sometime involves dressing up as book characters (Cosplay fun).
  • Help with school functions: United Way Carnival, Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Have fun at our monthly nerd’s nite out: movies, games, and building friendships.

Fundraisers:To be determined.