Soccer (Girls)


Important dates for FHS soccer:

October 18-21, 3:30-5:30pm: Tryouts, Forest High School Main field (meet in front of the Press Box to sign in)

October 22: Team rosters posted

October 22, 3:15-4:15pm: Meeting with the coaches for new members of the squad (Coach Cason's room)

October 25, 3:30-5:30pm: Practice begins, Rotary Sportsplex

October 25, 6pm: Mandatory Parent Meeting for player parents, FHS Cafeteria

Players must pre-register for tryouts by scanning the QR code or clicking this link:

A valid school physical must be on file with the school prior to tryouts, and all required NFHS courses must be completed. Click here for more information:

QR Code

Soccer Boosters

Who we are:

  • The Forest Soccer Booster Club is comprised of volunteers. We would love for more parents to

    What we do:

  • The Forest Soccer Booster Club provides man power and financial resources to do the following each year…
  • Concessions, Announcer/ score keeper, “ball boys”, fundraisers, spirit events and items, provide and maintain uniforms, gear, transportation to away games, Senior Night, Awards, End of season Banquet

What we need:

  • A team parent (or two) for EACH team, announcer and score keeper for EACH home game, help at ALL home games to sell spirit items, drivers for ALL away games (you MUST apply through FHS ahead of time), your support on keeping your player prepared for games, YOU to cheer on our Wildcats at games!

~Players must also have a current Sports Physical on file at FHS

Click here to check out our Facebook page!