FHS Wildcat Band

Club: FHS Wildcat Band
Website: FHS Wildcat Band Website
Sponsor: Mr. Jones
Purpose: To perform music at the highest level possible. Band is not a club but a co-curricular activity balancing academics with extra-curricular activities while learning musical knowledge required by the Sunshine State Standards.
Requirements: Previous experience from middle school band or by permission of the director. 2.0 GPA, good discipline record. OR, if no experience, successful completion of the Music Techniques class with recommendation of the band director.
Grade Levels: All Grades (9 - 12)
Dues: $275 per year. $200 if sibling also in band. Can be paid by fundraising or payment plan. Our football concessions regularly lower this amount significantly.
Major Activities: Football performances and marching competitions, solo and ensemble recital and FBA festival, All-District and All-County honor bands, concert band concerts and FBA MPA, colorguard, drumline, and Jazz Band.
Fundraisers: Various fundraisers including cookie dough sale, football concessions, car wash/yard sale...mostly service type projects. Forest has a very active and effective band booster organization that meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the band room.