
This page is updated as needed, please check often

  • What is the policy on hats/headcoverings (to include hoods)?
    • In line with the MCPS Dress Code, head coverings are not allowed in the school buildings. Additionally, the principal has stated that head coverings are not allowed to be worn anywhere on campus at anytime during the school day (unless the head covering is religious or part of a special event).
  • What is the policy for ID's at FHS?
    • In line with MCPS the student’s school IDs are requiredto be worn at all times. These IDs are to be worn above the waist on the outermost article of clothing or on a lanyard (not the book bag). ID must be shown/given upon request by a school official.
    • If your ID is lost please report to discipline to start the process of getting a replacement. A replacement fee may apply.
  • Can my items be searched?
    • Upon reasonable suspicion of a violation of the code of conduct, any and all items may be searched by a member of administration, the discipline team and/or the SRO.
      • “A principal of a public school or a school employee designated by the principal, if she or he has reasonable suspicion that a prohibited or illegally possessed substance, item or object is contained within a student’s locker or other storage area, may search the locker or storage area. The storage area may include but not be limited to electronic device, book bag, purse and/or vehicle (e.g., bicycles, scooters, etc.).”(MCPS Secondary Code of Student Conduct, P.25)